Swinton ASC love to compete. Below is an overview of the competitions that make up our current competitive calendar and award opportunities, and maybe subject to change.
Bolton & District Swimming Association
Mini League Gala for ages 9-12
Inter Club Gala for ages 13- Open Age
Central Lancashire Swimming Association
Intermediate Swimming League Ages 11- 15 years
Senior League Competition Ages 15/Under – Open Age
Manchester District Swimming Association
Programme A Competitions for Ages 10 -14
Swimmers will also compete in Greater Manchester Age Group competitions as well as various individual competitions, such as Bolton Metro Meet.
At club level, we run Rookie Lifeguard Badges for Bronze, Silver and Gold level, and Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Honours Swimming Awards
Our swimmers are encouraged to take part in various distance awards.
Swinton ASC runs its own Club Championships every year where swimmers compete to win a host of trophies across a range of different events.
Having a good time is at the heart of being part of the Swinton ASC family and so we hold fun galas where swimmers compete in teams against each other. They are fantastic events that all swimmers enjoy.